Wednesday, June 8, 2011

exam #7

The black death started when a shipment of food came in and it was infested with fleas that had the disease.  The spread meant death for anyone in Europe who caught it.  It was also known as the bubonic plague.

Certain tumors began to grow around the groin and in the armpits.  As the tumors grew, they spread to more visible parts of the body.  There were not many physicians left, and there was so little time for them to do anything that no proper medicine was created.  People died three days after getting the disease, and the disease spread like wildfire.  If I was a physician, I would take care of myself and just try to survive.  There were too many people who got sick, and too little time to do anything about it.

If something like the black death was to occur now, we would all die.

exam #3

Greeks and Egyptians had very different ideas on what happens after you die.  Greeks believe that all of the dead go into the Underworld with Hades.  Egyptians however believe that there is a resurrection and that the soul lives on immortality.

The Greeks believe that as soon as a person dies, their spirit leaves their body in a puff of air.  Relatives of the deceased conducted elaborate burial ceremonies.  The body was dressed and put on display for relatives and friends to come and mourn.  Then they were buried.

The Egyptians on the other hand emptied the body completely and put everything in jars.  They believed that the soul was still with the body, so they painted the inside of the tombs with things the dead people once enjoyed so the soul would get to wander around and look at everything.

exam #2

The agricultural revolution helped cities grow and progress.  People were able to settle down, and more jobs became available.  Farmers were able to grow certain crops which opened up trade between cities.  Some people were still able to work as hunters, but animals became domesticated and began to live on farms where they were fed crops to fatten them up.  New clothing was able to be made from different parts of the plants, and strong sturdy houses could be built.  "It was only 10,000 years ago that humans began to put their knowledge to more intensive use. After the end of the last ice age, what had been experimentation flowered into the birth of true agriculture."  Thanks to the agricultural revolution, we have cities to live in, and we are no longer hunter-gathering nomads.

View Agricultural Revolution in a larger map

BREAKING NEWS: Falling Apart at our Fingertips

Just yesterday, we found out that crops all over the world will no longer be able to grow on farms.  People are in a panic trying to store up for the long years ahead.  Cities will fall apart as people move out to begin hunting.  Zoos have been broken into and the animals have all disappeared mysteriously.  Animals are going to begin to go extinct because of the amount of people hunting them.  Restaurants are going to go out of business and stores are going to crumble.

Trees will stop growing, therefore, this article will probably be one of the last printed.  Pack your bags people, there's a long winter ahead.

exam #5

Is it fair to say the United States is the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire had its ups and downs, but they were nothing like the way the United States is today.  Rome had bad leaders, but most of the leaders that came after were able to turn things around.  The United States is deep in debt, and a long line of poor leadership will keep things the way they are for a long time.  The Roman Empire was a strong nation, and the United States is getting far to many immigrants and people are getting laid off.  The Roman Empire and the United States are alike in some ways, but they are too different for anyone to  be able to say the United States is the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire.

Good Roman leaders were able to pull the empire up after a long reign of terrible people, but the United States is too deep in dept and only digging deeper.  On today's edition of The Daily Citizen, there is an article about how there is going to be $385K in repairs.  Searcy, Arkansas would like to fix their cities sports complex.  The fields are a mess, so they are going to spend all their money on fixing fields when they could do much more useful stuff with the money.  Sports are important, but the money could be better spent elsewhere.  This is how it is all over the US.  O'Malley is trying to give money to the illegals in MD so they can go to college.  There are so many better uses for taxpayer dollars that LEGAL citizens can use.  The US is seriously messed up when it comes to money, and Rome did not have that many money problems.

The Roman Empire had many jobs for people, the United States does not.  President Obama was in the news this morning because he is concerned over slow job growth.  "He tried to reassure Americans worried about high unemployment and expensive gas that the nation is on a slow, if not steady, road to recovery" (President expresses concern over slow job growth).  People are getting laid off for jobs, and many people who are legal US citizens are fighting to get new jobs from illegal citizens.  If this is going to improve anytime soon, that would be wonderful, but it probably won't happen.  Schools and government businesses are not getting enough money to be able to pay for some people to work there, so they ended up laying off people.   The people of the Roman Empire had jobs, unlike many families in the United States today.

People have also changed since Roman times.  Education has changed, there are more schools and more topics to learn about.  Drugs and abuse have become a major issue that probably was not as common back in Ancient Roman times.  "The rapes were violent. They were brutal" (Witness calls abuse tapes violent, brutal).  The world today is an awful violent world.  Not all people are bad of course, but the world as a whole is getting worse.  Nothing can stop it.  The Romans were a better, more well-rounded group of people.

The United States could never be considered the equivalent of the Roman Empire.  Today, people are struggling with money.  Poor leadership is causing people to lose jobs.  People are smoking, drinking, and abusing kids.  The US is to different from the Roman Empire to be considered the modern one.

Works Cited
"President expresses concern over slow job growth."Opelika-Auburn News 8 June 2011: 1. Newseum. Web. 8 June 2011.

"Panel requests $385K for repairs." The Daily Citizen[Searcy] 11 June 2008: n. pag.Newseum. Web. 8 June 2011.

"Witness calls abuse tapes violent, brutal." Delaware State News [Dover] 11 June 2008: n. pag. Newseum. Web. 11 June 2008.

exam #10

I honestly enjoyed this class.  I learned how to use the computer to find good sources, and my writing has improved greatly.  Even though the exams make me want to cry, your teaching was one of the main reasons why I wanted to move up to AP Euro.  I have learned so much about myself that I never knew, and I am really glad I took this class.  I used sources that I know I will be using in the future, and I want to thank you.  NARWHALS! :)

exam #9

The main Renaissance man was William Shakespeare.  His writings still impact us today.  His plays are still performed, and he used beautiful language that we scarcely use anymore.  Many of the things that were in his plays relate to us today.  His influence with the Globe theater also changed the ways the plays were done.

William Shakespeare was brilliant.  He spent a lot of time on making his plays great.  Even though some of the language in his plays is difficult to understand, the main themes are things that people today can relate too.  Without him, writing plays and the theater would not be the same.

exam #8

Figure 1. Church of Bredons in Murat. (n.d.). Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 27, 2011, from

Figure 2. Gothic Altar from Veit. (n.d.).Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 27, 2011, from
Figure 3 Cathedral St. Michael. (n.d.).Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 27, 2011, from

Figure 4 Notre-Dame Cathedral. (n.d.).Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 27, 2011, from
Figure 5 Augsburg Cathedral. (n.d.).Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 27, 2011, from

Figure 6 Cathedral Notre-Dame de Reims. (n.d.). Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 27, 2011, from

                Romanesque and Gothic are two architectural revolutions that occurred in most of the world.  The altars were used for the same purpose, but they were so very different.  The outsides looked similar, but the Gothic was so much more open with large and beautiful windows.  The insides had two entirely different purposes.  The Romanesque was small and dark, and it was made to be a safe haven for God's people.  The Gothic cathedral was open, letting God's light shine in for all to see.

exam #6
me and kirsten kyburz


My name is Saladin, and I would like to inform you about how awful the Third Crusade was!  All I did was go into Jerusalem and take back what was rightfully mine.  Anyway, I let the Christians live.  Not many people would have done that.  Richard went on the rampage and started killing my people because I let his people live.  How does that make any sense?

I think we should have just left things the way they were, with Muslims and Christians living peacefully there.  Sadly, you don't always get what you want, and I didn't get what I wanted.  Maybe things would have been different if Richard met me.  But we will never know.

Thanks for listening,

exam #4

Herodotus had a lot of facts, but only used facts from the side that he was on.
This is entirely on the girl's side.

Thucydides had less information, but it was for both sides.
He put general facts about what happened, but didn't pick his own side.

exam #1

katherine flannigan, amanda spaeth, travis nelson, and erica lipford