What's up- Fupus mlerp
O, that’s boring- klurk, lum dangie
TOTALLY!!- gnani!!!
Ok. See you then- poink. Dom ancha heke
One- kai
Two- bie
Three- tri
Four- fwi
Five- knai
Six- pla
Seven- snurp
Eight- wani
Nine- hurnu
Ten- derf
Yes- iskabible
No- ani
Good- hurnu
Bad- pani
Happy- klacuki
Sad- snaki
Mad- punuku
Bored- cuckonarchi
Goodbye- hanini
Good Morning- hurnu gumple
Good Night- hurnu waksini
Jump- hurunu
Jumped- hurunup
will jump-hurunuf
Fupus mlerp. like your dialog its so nice. But i think you should have done more in your words. I did 100 words and that definitely beats yours.