Friday, February 4, 2011

Weekly #2

I think change is a good thing in some ways and a bad thing in others.  The origins of art and the agricultural revolution are both very good things.  Without the origins of art there would be no art.  Without the agricultural revolution, we wouldn’t have farming.  We would still be hunters.  An example of a bad change is what is happening in Egypt.  People have begun protesting the government, and the government is shutting down cell phones and internet.  Other bad changes include wars, terrorism, and new diseases.  Change can most definitely be a good thing, but change isn’t always good.

The origins of art are very good change.  The Venus of Willendorf was one of the first statues ever made.  The purpose of her creation is still unknown, but she had to be made for a reason.  Cave drawings were also an important change.  Thanks to those paintings, we see what life was like millions of years ago.  We are able to see what kinds of animals lived back then.  We can also see what kinds of ceremonies might have occurred then.  Obviously the origins of art were a change for the better.

The agricultural revolution is another positive change.  You can see the products of the revolution all over Maryland.  Everywhere you go in Maryland you see fields of corn and barns of cattle and horses.  Not only do we have vegetables and animals, we also have cheese and milk.  I am very thankful for agricultural revolution because we now have a lot of important dietary foods.  Change is good in these two situations, but some things aren't always positive.

Bad changes are all the wars and rebellions.  Even though people might say that the war overall caused good in the world, but they were definitely a negative change.  Wars cost a ton of money, which is one of the reasons that the United States is so deep in debt.  The rebellion in Egypt is for a good cause, but it is a negative change.  To me, most negative changes are caused by poor leadership.  Millions of people are affected by these negative changes.

As you can see from the examples above, a lot of changes that occurred in ancient times were good things.  Culture developed and became the basics for life today.  Wars and rebellions cause huge debts and millions of people are injured or dead.  As you can see, change can be good or bad depending on the situation.   

1 comment:

  1. Think about the Agricultural Revolution beyond the fields and farms. How did the Agricultural Rev effect and influence the rise of cities? Professions? Religions?

    As for Egypt, what is the negative change? As for war, are the justifications for war always bad? I'd love to hear more specifics.
